Mission statement

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students’ Association Inc. shall effectively represent and further the interests of its student membership by taking a holistic approach to enhancing the educational experience and quality of campus life at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The SPSA shall provide superior opportunities, programs, and services for its members and create an atmosphere of unified, accountable leadership, and a culture of acceptance, inclusion and tolerance.

Vision Statement

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students’ Association strives to be the leader in innovative and progressive approaches to Municipal, Provincial, and National student representation with a strong and unified voice focused on improving access to superior educational opportunities and positive student experiences for its members.

Strategic Plan

The SPSA’s Strategic Plan will guide the direction of the SPSA for the next 5 years.  Click here to view the 2020-2025 SPSA Strategic Plan.


The objectives of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students’ Association Inc. shall be to provide for the administration of student affairs of its members by:

a.  Acting as the representative voice of the membership through:

  1. the development and maintenance of student representation on decision–making boards and committees of Saskatchewan Polytechnic;
  2. the development and maintenance of student representation with Municipal Governments, the Government of Saskatchewan, and the Government of Canada, concerning all areas of advanced education and general student welfare; and
  3. the advancement of all official policies and positions of the SPSA to the Administration and/or Board of Directors of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, all levels of Government, and/or to group(s) or individual(s) not associated or connected to Saskatchewan Polytechnic when it is deemed in the best interests of the members to do so.

b. Developing, implementing, improving, and managing student services including various recreational activities, social events, publications, and student facilities, which enhance student life at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

c. Administering any properties, business interests, any other assets or monies, whether collected through the conduct of the SPSA, the collection of membership fees or otherwise operated by the SPSA, in a proper and business-like manner for the benefit and betterment of the members of the SPSA.

d. Provide support and assistance for the development and maintenance of student based clubs and societies which meet the requirements outlined in the appropriate SPSA Policies.

e. Uniting campuses and student groups to strengthen and enhance the voice of the student membership, improve student services, and streamline Association operations while maintaining the individual and unique campus culture of each SPSA location.